8 Superfoods That Will Protect and ‘Whiten’ your Teeth Naturally

After whitening your teeth with Glamwhite’s products we are sure you will want to keep your pearlies nice and bright for as long as possible. We all know that certain foods can stain your enamel. What you may not know is that others have the opposite effect: they can help you keep your teeth white! Here are 7 foods you may already have in your kitchen that are good for your body and for your teeth:


An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Who hasn’t heard this old saying? Well, they can also keep the dentist away! Apples are not only extremely healthy, but chewing on them also gently scrubs away debris, stains and bacteria from your mouth. Furthermore, apples have a high concentration of malic acid — used in some toothpastes — which increases saliva production, cleaning your teeth and helping remove stains.



Strawberries are not only yummy, but like apples, they also contain malic acid. Moreover, they are packed with antioxidants that can help reduce bacteria and inflammation in your mouth. And they’re a significant souce of vitamin C. This nutrient aids in removing plaque, which can attract stains from food and beverages, plus it helps your body produce collagen — a key protein that keeps your gums strong and makes you less susceptible to gum disease.


Pineapple naturally contains an enzyme called bromelain, a compound with anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties that can remove superficial staining and reduce plaque – the sticky film that builds up on your teeth and under your gums throughout the day – resulting in healthier and whiter teeth. Recent studies confirm the stain removal efficacy of toothpastes containing bromelain extracts[1].



Papaya contains papain, a natural enyme deived from latex of the papaya fruit, which is often added to toothpastes as a tooth whitener. Like bromelain, it’s a natural stain and plaque re mover, as confirmed in a recent study (2017) led by the Department of Chemistry and B iochemistry of the University of Osaka[2]. Papain, which is found more in raw papaya than ripe papaya, also presents antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


Celery has a high fiber content so snacking on a piece of this vegetable can help remove surface stains effectively as the fibrous cellulose acts as a natural toothbrush. Moreoever, crunchy vegetables with a higher water content stimulate saliva production. This neutralizes harmful acids in your mouth and helps prevent plaque and decay. While it’s definitely no substitution for brushing, chewing on celery will clean your teeth when you don’t have your toothbrush handy.



Not just for rabbits! Just like celery, munching on sticks of crunchy, raw carrot acts as a natural toothbrush and it increases the amount of saliva in your mouth, which reduces the risk of cavities. Plus the vitamin A in carrots helps strengthen tooth enamel and it can improve your eyesight. What else can you ask for?


Dairy products such as cheese yogurt and milk contain lactic acid, which is a natural enamel whitener. They also contain calcium and phosphate, which help strengthen the enamel and protect your teeth from the acids that cause tooth decay[3].

Cheese, especially, can help balanche the pH level in your mouth, wich means less harmful acid and fewer cavities. Also, chewing hard cheese increases saliva production and can remove food debris.

Yogurt is not only high in calcium but it has the added benefit of probiotics. These active cultures can help slow the growth of “unfriendly” bacteria that can cause dental issues. The cherry on the cake is that yogurt reduces the levels of hydrogen sulfide, the compound responsible for bad breath, and helps keep “smelly” bacteria under control.


These lovely little trees kids love to hate are really good for your health and for your teeth. When eaten raw, the crunchiness can naturally break apart plaque build-up and it get the saliva flowing.

According to recent studies the iron in broccoli, like the calcium in dairy products, coats the enamel with an invisible protective barrier against harmful acids[4]. This helps prevent stains and decay. In addition, broccoli is full of vitamin A, which is necessary for the formation of tooth enamel. So by eating broccoli you are not only keeping your teeth clean and healthy, you are giving your enamel an extra boost!

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